Monday 23 November 2020

Stop Asking Yourself “What Is My Passion?” and Start Asking This Instead | Sebastian Beja

What do you do when procrastination becomes a roadblock to actually finding your passion and purpose? Sebastian shares these important questions to unravel the knot


Video Notes:

Have you ever been stuck in this loop where you ...

Are so pumped to reach our goals

Lay down our plans

Create project timelines

Identify who does what

Everything looks great so far!

HOWEVER, when it comes to actually doing what you’re supposed to do, you shift to something entirely different!

You then lose sight of what you want, feel demotivated and start asking yourself again: how to be happy, or how to be successful? You are now to square one of identifying how to find your passion and how to find your purpose in life.

That my friend is the procrastination loop.

Bet you have already searched for consistency motivation or procrastination ted talks as you continue to wonder how to focus, how to be productive, how to stop procrastinating...

To be conscious about this and develop consistency, ask yourself these things:

 1. What do you do when you procrastinate?

2. When time feels like it doesn't exist, what are you doing?

 3. What is a pain you experienced in the past that you don’t want others to experience?

This exercise has been proven to be a light bulb moment, a discovery. Build an internal consistency in going back to these questions to find your passion in life.———

Video timeline:

00:08 What do you do when you procrastinate?

01:48 When does time feel like it doesn’t exist?

03:10 The Pain Question

06:48 Why these questions help you to find what you love


About Sebastian Beja: Sebastian Beja has helped grow and scale businesses to 6-figure and 7-figure via social media platforms generating more than 10 million dollars in revenue in the digital education space.

He works with the world’s leading company in personal growth, Mindvalley, New York Times Best Selling Author T. Harv Ecker from Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, biggest NGO in the world Art of living/Sri Sri Ravishankar, and the biggest entrepreneur festival in Latin America - helping them grow exponentially online.

He has trained over 5,000 people ranging from brick &mortar, real estate, SAAS, events, education, etc in 10 different countries on how to use organic traffic strategies, content marketing and growth hacking to scale their business profitably.

He's been featured giving advice in the #1 Platform for Exponential Business Growth in the US, where companies like Dropbox, Omaze, LogMeIn Spotify get their online marketing advice from to grow their revenue.

Growing up in Mexico with his sister and mother, Sebastian saw how challenging it was for single moms to own a business at the same time raise a family. So, inspired by his mom's diligence and courage, he began studying how businesses grow using the internet.... and the rest is history.




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