Exponential technology is right at our fingertips. But how is it beneficial to businesses? Mark Joyner opens our minds into how we can incorporate this in online marketing that will surely help boost business https://pxlme.me/SubscribeNow
Video Notes:
Growth mindset leads to the expansion of one’s creativity which fosters opportunities for innovation and expansion in future technology. The results always enhance the good in us however, it is also inevitable how some effects could be daunting.
When coupled with self-awareness, one can successfully incorporate these advancements to digital marketing as well as various marketing strategies.
Utilize the Utilitarian Model Flexibility or “Useful Lenses” in looking at innovation. This concept highlights how models of reality may vary or be altered and the way we interact with the world around us can change.
Have a good grasp of how buyer psychology fits into the sales process. This allows us to use existing ideas and transform them in ways others haven’t seen yet. Personal development gurus who have wondered how to publish a book or how to sell books on amazon, used this understanding to propel their internet marketing strategies.
Acknowledge that while technological expansion increases our capacity for good, it also increases the potential for destruction. With this level of awareness, we are well equipped to understand who we are as a species, form a better sense of responsibility for each other and overcome any uncertainty in the future.
We can welcome new technology with confidence and can spark massive changes that can amplify businesses
Video timeline:
02:06 How Mark Joyner invented sales & conversion funnels
04:31 How to increase customer value by Up-selling & Cross-selling
05:12 How Mark Joyner built his first conversion funnel that massively increased his overall customer value
09:09 Mark Joyner explains his personal philosophy
11:54 How long-held scientific truths and laws are changed
14:17 How innovation happens
15:45 Why Brain is the seat of human consciousness
18:13 The key to getting an innovative idea from information
19:53 Learn how to use your point of view to solve a problem
21:56 What is toxic pernicious lie
25:10 Strategy for ranking book top in the Amazon
28:24 The psychological principle of obedience to authority
31:27 Mark Joyner explains why the tactical part is more important to be the best bookseller in amazon
36:44 How to you push yourself to next level
38:41 What is complexity gap in the process of information
40:16 Big five phenomena of larger problem
41:50 Mark Joyner gives an example of technological advancement
44:54 The unintended consequences of technology
47:03 Learn how to turn a blind eye to the potential perils
About Mark Joyner: “Godfather of Internet Marketing.” He is the pioneer of Internet marketing and he will be sharing ground breaking cutting edge marketing and business building strategy with you. Author of over a dozen books translated into 20+ languages. Several of which were #1 best-sellers. Including … The Irresistible Offer, Integration Marketing, The Worst Case Scenario Business Survival Guide, The Great Formula, and more. Serial entrepreneur with 30+ startups under his belt. Widely recognised as the “father of online marketing” for his pioneering work in the early days of the Internet. His startups include Aesop (the first ebook publishing company), ROIbot (the first online ad-tracking company and first client-side SAAS), SearchHound (the 2nd pay-per-click search engine, years before Google), StartBlaze (first ever traffic exchange system, the 36th most visited site in the world 6 weeks after its release), and more.
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